Tourality = Web 2.0 + sporty mobile game!
Tourality is a combination of Web 2.0 and a GPS game on your mobile phone.
You play Tourality in reality on you mobile, whereas the needed input (Spots, Points of Interest and Game-Templates) is created free of charge by members on first.
How it works - Technical Overview
Before the game you may create "Tourality Content" (Spots, Points of Interest and Game-Templates) with your PC on
During the game your mobile receives GPS signals (via an external Bluetooth GPS receiver or an integrated GPS module). Furthermore Tourality communicates via the Internet connection of your mobile phone (GPRS, UMTS) with co-players and the Game Server.
After the game you'll find personal statistics and highscores at "myTourality" on
Tourality Quick Guide
Compact information, starting with the most relevant:
- What the heck is Tourality? Watch demo videos and try an online demo!
- How does Tourality look like? See screenshots taken on the mobile!
- What is it about? The game and the 4 different game modes.
- Equipment 1: Supported mobile phones.
- Equipment 2: Possible external Bluetooth GPS receivers.
- Where to play Tourality? In supported areas!
- What's next? Signup and create Spots, Points of Interest and Game-Templates at myTourality yourself. Then go play Tourality outdoors with others!